To be treated as soon as possible, you can call by telephone or go directly to the ANIMAL BLUECARE Hospital at 952 66 50 50, located next to the Calaburras Lighthouse, at the exit of PlayaMarina.
Any medical case may require this service, especially those that are acutely severe (hemorrhages, intoxications, cardiorespiratory alterations, systemic alterations, etc.).
Among the equipment and medical services provided by the HOSPITAL ANIMAL BLUECARE include:
- Laboratory (Hematology, Serum Biochemistry, Gasometry, Electrolytes, Serology, Urinalysis)
- Radiography and Ultrasound
- Blood transfusions
- Boxes de UCI
- Hospitalization
Some medical cases that require urgent attention are:
- Lung Edema
- Pleural / pericardial / peritoneal effusion
- Diabetic cetoacidosis
- Heatstroke
- Poisoning
- Urethral Obstruction / FLUTD
In the same way, those cases of less seriousness that require a preventive action that avoids possible complications will be treated equally.
This service also allows for surgical or endoscopic cases that may compromise the patient's health or life. For this they have a check-up surgery service that maintains constant communication with the emergency personnel during the hospitalization of the animal. Some of the emergency surgeries they perform are:
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- Endoscopy: Rescue esophageal or stomach foreign body
- Digestive Surgery: Gastropexy in the Dilation-Gastric Torsion Syndrome, Gastrotomy, Enterotomy, Enterectomy, Esophagostomy, Rectal Prolapse ...
- Splenectomy
- Reproductive Surgery: Caesareans, OVHE for Piometra, Uterine Torsion, Peneana Laceration, priapism
- Urinary Surgery: Bladder Break, Urethral Break / Urethrostomy
- Ophthalmologic Surgery: Ocular enucleation, reduction of ocular prolapses, Tarsorraphy due to corneal ulceration ...
- Tegumentary Surgery / Minor Surgery: Repair of wounds (drainages), Hernias ...